Polysyllabic Paenencomium Of Geraldine. For illustration, I'll take this paragraph and indicate after each word how many syllables it has in my own dialect. Ruminations on grammar, linguistics, standardized tests, and anything else that strikes my fancy.

It just means a word has more than one syllable. The use of polysyllabic and unintelligible words is therein recommended, probably as a goad to the patient's imagination. Having more than two and usually more than three syllables.
The use of polysyllabic and unintelligible words is therein recommended, probably as a goad to the patient's imagination.
Having more than two and usually more than three syllables.
It also includes excerpts from such authors as Anton Chekhov and Charles Dickens. Hyphenation: po‧ly‧syl‧la‧bic. polysyllabic (not comparable). (of a word) Having more than one syllable. Life can be understood backwards, but it has to be lived forwards - Kierkegaard.
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