The Favored. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Treated or thought of with great kindness or partiality: the favored child.

Definition of favored in the dictionary. Globalization has also favored the growth of rich multinational companies that have practically taken over the world market for certain products. consider as the favorite; "The local team was favored". Blessed are you among women!" (WEB ASV WBS NAS RSV NIV). 'the most favored destination of visitors to Canada'. 'In other scenes, they are also shown holding hands 'In this way, she enacted the role of the favored little girl, a role she had never been able to.
Some interlocutors favored the establishment [.] of the Centres under the auspices of the The publication also favored directly or indirectly the Liberal Party, calling PPCD electors to vote for Dorin.
Information and translations of favored in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. favored (comparative more favored, superlative most favored).
US standard spelling of favoured. favored. simple past tense and past participle of favor. How to use favored in a sentence. Translations of the word FAVORED from english to spanish and examples of the use of "FAVORED" in a sentence with their translations: Ventilation favored by the openings and the.
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